Monday, January 8, 2018

Your Best You

 January is one of my favorite months of the year!  It's like a freshly sharped pencil or the crisp pages of a new planner.  January is full of possibilities and it's exciting!

This is a time where we are all start working on our resolutions/goals for the year.  While you are still implementing those into your new routine, I've got 4 goals for you to add in, that will get you moving in the right direction to become your best you.

Say No

This year, practice saying no.  Say no, to the things that take you away from your family.  The things that leave you stressed out and overwhelmed.  You can't do it all and be it all, so quit trying to.  You don't have to bake for every fundraiser, help at every class party, meet up with every friend who calls and wants to get together, etc., etc.  It's okay to say no, and nobody will think less of you because of it.

Say Yes

Now that I've just told you to say no... don't forget to say yes sometimes too.  Say yes, to taking care of your health and your family.  Say yes, to a date night with your spouse or significant other.  Say yes, to a few minutes of quiet time or a good book.  Say yes, to carving out time with God to pray and read His word.  When you say no, to more things in life, you'll find you are able to say yes, to more of the things that you want or need to.

Choose Healthy

Life is busy.  It just is... no matter what age or stage you are in life.  It's busy.  Don't let busy be an excuse to not live a healthy life.  Choose wisely, and do your research.  Know what you are eating, what you're drinking, what is in the candles that you are burning, in the cleaners you are spraying.  Don't assume that just because they sell it at the store, that it is okay for you and your families health.  Do your research, as you are the manager and caretaker of your home!

Armor Up

Most importantly, don't forget to armor up.  This world is crazy!  It gets crazier all the time, and you don't want to be at it's mercy.  Get your Bibles open, and check out Ephesians 6:10, and armor up my friends.  We need Gods word.  We need to be in it, and to know it.  It is our sword!  Don't let your Bible be a decoration on your nightstand or a pretty book on the book shelf.  Crack it open and study! 

If you've never studied the Bible or find it intimidating, I recommend buying Angie Smith's Bible study called Seamless.  She takes you from Genesis to Revelations in 6 weeks and shows you how it's all connected, and what each book in the Bible is about.

If you are wanting to study the armor of God... Priscilla Shirer actually has a study called, The Armor of God.  Our women's Bible study is going to be starting it this week, so I'll keep you posted on what I think.  It has great reviews, and I'm very hopeful that it's going to be good.

Whatever you decide to do, don't let you Bible collect dust.  Get it open, pray for Him to bless you in your study and grow in Him!

What are you saying yes to this year?

Be blessed my friends!



  1. What wonderful words to start the new year! Cheers to a wonderful one!

  2. Love these and they are all so true. I practice no all Christmas season and it was one of my favorite seasons ever. Now to practice boundaries and no with family is harder for me! Hence our crazy Christmas week ;). xoxo ERIN

  3. I'm starting the Bible Study, The Jesus We're Aching For (a study in Mark) by Lisa Harper this Wed. I'm so excited and know that it is going to be such a blessing and the perfect way to start the new year. A great post and so right on! Blessings Jenny!

  4. I want to say NO, say YES choose HEALTHY and ARMOR UP! I love that you are encouraging people to open their bibles! We all need it. ❤️

  5. Love all these! Adding those Bible studies to my list and I’ve really been working on saying no (that’s hard for THIS people pleaser) and in saying yes to things too and not feeling guilty :)
