Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We may not have Target, Macy's, McDonalds or the Olive Garden, but we've got this!  Just one of the many reasons, why I feel very blessed.

View from our front porch
I was too lazy to go outside and take this picture, so I took this one through the window in the girls' room (on the side of the house).  There's usually about 20 elk that walk through very early every morning.  They're usually out of sight by the time the sun comes up, but they must have been a little slow moving this day.  If I am ever motivated and brave enough, I'd love to hide further on out in the property and take a few pictures of them jumping the fence, and get some close ups.  I'm not too scared of the elk, but more so of the cougar that's been around lately.  Then there's always the local coyotes, and lately sightings of wolves.  Hmm... maybe I'll just stick to taking pictures through my windows.  :)

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