Monday, October 26, 2015

Life's Changing Seasons

Lately, I've been confused when it comes to my blog.  My family has grown and changed since I first started writing here years ago.  Which means my blog is changing with them, and I'm not sure how that is supposed to look.

When they were little, I'd write about the silly things they'd say and do.  I would take pictures of them through out the day, being their cute little selves and share about the things we were up to.

Now that my kids are getting older, there is still things that I can share that we've been doing.  But for the most part, they are at school all day, and then when they get home, they grab a snack and hit the couch to watch some TV and unwind before we have dinner and get ready for the next day.  It's not always picture worthy.  

I also don't want for my blog to ever come across to people, that everything is always perfect, because I don't post the ugly.  I wanna keep it real, but I also want to respect my kids privacy and I know that whatever struggles I have with them, or they have personally, they wouldn't want me sharing.

The other day, I clicked back on some of my posts from last year.  As I'm reading through, all I could think about was how glad I am to have those days documented.  I remembered again why I started this blog.  At some point I want to take the pages of my blog and put them into a book.  One that I can read back through, years from now, and remember these moments.  My hope is that someday my kids and grand kids can read through it, when they themselves are parents.  That they would know me a little better through it, and maybe relate a bit as well.

What does this mean for my blog?  I don't know.  I don't know whether to keep it going, take it private or start a whole new one.  Right now, I'm just rolling with it and seeing where it takes me.

The reason I'm even posting this, is to keep it real, and to give you a heads up in case I'm not posting as much as I used to.  I love this blogging world too much to walk away from it.  But at the moment, things are just changing and I'm trying to figure out where that puts me.



  1. I love reading - but I totally get it. There are days I wonder what the real point of my blog is...and if it is just taking time I could be contributing to something else!

    1. Exactly! But it sure will be nice when we can read back on all the things we were up to, years from now. I think we'll be glad we did. :)

  2. I know exactly what you mean. My kids are getting older too, and I feel like I need to respect their privacy as they grow up. As teens, they may not want every picture posted. It definitely changes the focus of your blog.

  3. Jenny! What an honest and raw post. But what a wonderful thing that you were able to remember the reason why you started your blog and now you have a fantastic means to look back at all of the memory worthy times. Thank you so much for your honesty and letting us into your families home!

    1. Thanks Kendra! It really has been like an online scrapbook in a way. And I think I'll enjoy reading older posts even more, the older my kids get.

  4. I think we all have those moments of "where do I go now?" Whatever you decide I'll always be a reader. And a friend. :)

  5. I love having a blog to look back on memories - that's the main reason I started/keep up with it!
