Friday, April 10, 2015

Checking in and sharing some books.

I just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm still around.  Life has been busy lately and even though it's been busy... I haven't had much to write about that's very interesting.  My niece and nephew have been staying with us for the last week and we've been hanging out and having fun.  I've been terrible and haven't taken many pictures lately.  I took a couple quick pictures of the kids on Easter looking for eggs, but I didn't even attempt to take any "nice" pictures of them all dressed up.  It seems, we've been running from one thing to the next.

People had always told me when I had young kids, that the older they get, the busier your life gets.  I always thought, yeah right.  Well it seems to be true.  And from what people are still saying, it's going to continue to get even busier for me.  I believe them this time!  I guess it's time to invest in some running shoes.  ;)

I've been trying to get my work done as early as I can and then I've been trying to read for a bit before the kids get home everyday.  I just finished the last book in a series of 3.  They take place back during the civil war, and each book is through the eyes of a different person.  The first book gives a view through the eyes of a Southern Belle, the 2nd through a well to do Northern gal and the third gives a  view through the Slaves eyes.   They were all really good!!!  They are the "Refiner's Fire" series by Lynn Austin.  I don't know that I've ever read any of her other books before, but I was really impressed with her as an author, while reading these, and I'll be looking to what other books she has out there. 

At the moment, I'm in the middle of a book called, "The Ransom" by MaryLu Tyndall. 
It's the 4th book in a pirate series.  I had read the other 3 books, years ago and now that I'm reading the 4th, I'm actually anxious to go back and reread the first one, (The Redemption) as I remember it being one of my favorites.  They are just another good set of books if you are needing something to read this Summer.
 I saw this on pinterest and isn't it the truth! 

Even though fictional books are my cup of tea, I do like to throw in other interesting reads as well.  I have been wanting to read a biography for a while now.  I think it would be interesting to read one on Jackie Kennedy.  Do you all have any recommendations of a biography that you liked?

Linking up today with Andrea

I hope you all have a great weekend!  


  1. A good book and a cup of tea sounds amazing right now. I wish I had time for that, haha!
    Have a great weekend Jenny!!

  2. I never have time to read anymore, I guess except for blogs. But, I'd love to be able to get into a good book, thanks for some suggestions!
    Lattes and Lavender
