Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Yesterday we had an extremely foggy day.  I decided to get my camera out, and challenge myself to find the beauty in the fog.

In this picture of the barn, I didn't whiten out the background. That is the fog!  CRAZY!!!

When the kids got home from school, they were all wound up and a bit wild.  So I sent them all outside to burn off some energy.

A good old fashioned snowball fight did the trick.  By the time they came inside, they were tired, and much quieter.  :)  

After I had gotten done taking a few pictures of the kids outside playing, I snapped this picture off of our front porch.  It was starting to get dark and you can see how foggy it is in the lower half of the picture.  At one point yesterday, I couldn't see any of the mountains, and the lower half of this scene was all I could see.
It's crazy, how we can get so fogged in sometimes in this valley, but there is beauty in it as well.  


  1. Jenny these are really great photos! We had a ton of fog yesterday and this morning as well. I love the first photo with the horses and the fence...and really all of them. :)

  2. Your pictures are simply gorgeous!!

  3. You definitely found the beauty! These are awesome:)
